Saturday, August 02, 2008

Our last son of Earth

When we are taught, nothing is impossible, Al-Gore shows us what it really means...

I still can't believe it is true, probably some fiction writers plot la, or could have because Al Gore himself is running out of tactics to persuade the Earthmen to save themselves and the planet, thats why came out with something too dramatic to make us do something!

This what he comes out with,

Send his baby son to outer space in a rocket,

in hope that, someone out there will save him and groom him into a superhero,

and returns to the Earth later on to save all of us.

Further info

can you believe it? sounds so Hollywood right? Too much of americans hollywood poisoning la.

How would parents be able to do such thing? send their newborn far far away, far enough to not be reachable by any human beings.... hoping some new planet aliens can take care of him. God knows they might eat him up!

Does it sound familiar actually? Bet all of us have seen plot like these in one of the Chinese dramas, where mother wraps her baby in a blanket, put him into the river with a basket, let the river takes him to a new family where he can have a better life...

If this is real, Al-Gore! you're the man. hopefully ur newborn will be safe and sound too. I mean, i still cannot cannot imagine sending a vulnerable baby, like how my baby sisters used to look like, so weak, so fragile, into somewhere totally totally NEW and might even end up dying. but again, i'm in no position to judge, it's ur choice. who knows, one day, we might have a superhero returning to save us!

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