Thursday, February 15, 2007



I bet when all of us were in Form 2, we learnt these:

Soap is NOT pure water.
It's detergent made dissolved in water.
Yes, water will evaporate.
But, solute dissolved in it will NOT.
When water evaporates, solute does NOT follow.
And Detergent will NOT evaporate together with water into the air.
If soap water is NOT properly washed down,
wHatever solute left behind will sTIcK on, eventually become HARD STAIN, which is NOT easy to come off!

DOn't yOu UnDeRsTAnD? .. dUh!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

aiyoh.. y like dat 1? who is the moron using soap like dat? where did he stain it? sink? y he needs to haf so much soap? taking bathe in the sink? bubble spa? ask him to lick it off la hahaha..
calm down girl.. dun need to gif face to this typo ppl.. u can even fill the "water" in his drinking bottle since he thinks that it is the same as water!

Anonymous said...

ok. that was rather uncalled for. and a bit mean. whoever you are anonymous...

Anonymous said...

whoever u r too..ANONYMOUS

Anonymous said...

btw.. jz to remind u.. gif comment to wat she wrote.. not mine.. ANONYMOUS 2
