Sunday, February 18, 2007


In Caucasians culture, first name comes before surname. So, for Tom Jerry, we call the person Tom or Mr. Jerry. To be honest, I came to realise this naming order only after Form 5.

While for chinese, Tan Da Vid simply means Da Vid is the name and he's Mr. Tan.

And because of this, they apply this rule to Chinese names too. In all student accounts, 'Shi Hey' appears instead of Hey Shi Ying or ShiYing Hey. People only call me Shi instead of Shiying. Never in my life I recognise myself as Shi. Doesn't it just sounds weird? Like how you will call Tan Da Vid, Da Tan. However, some locals weirdly think it's a nice name for a girl to have. Like they say, ' you know... you are a girl and your name is 'Shi' which sounds like a 'She'.... which is nice!' ....Huh?

And today, I was told 'Ying' means girl too, in Thai language. Never did I know my name could be so feminine. People say a name is the expectation your parents have for you. If that's the case, then I must have terribly let them down.

To make it a full package, I'm going to name myself 'Elle' - another feminine synonym in french.


Adelynn said...

hahah......i would never have thought of you as being super girly.

but anyway, my name means quiet and intelligent rite! haha, at least i turned out the way my parents intended me to :D

Anonymous said...

wow name appeared in this blog...wa...damn proud sial...thank you thank need clap hand

Anonymous said...

bwahaha..people here do call me da tan....and got people call me tanda also....

WhiteFox said...

Adelynn: Wakakaka... dun make laugh...ahahahaha

Tanda: tanda somehow sounds like panda lor. i still like ur DVT deep vein thrombosis... *winkz*