Tuesday, December 05, 2006

While I should be studying

Nothing particular to write about actually. Just thought that today might be worth noting down since it was my first patient case presentation. I was quite bothered by the thought that I have to do this in front of my EVIL GP. Albeit it was way from an impressive presentation, I thought nothing went too wrong fortunately. =) , can never imagine myself presenting in front of people with my bad English ...

I start to like my getting-less-evil GP. Today her feedback said, even though Shi needs more practice, generally she was okay, confident, fluent and convincing. Whee!~ ^_^

I know I ain't that good in real context, but I would want to work it. All thanks to her reverse psychology thing. Hopefully next year I can go into the practice with better confidence. =P

Have been trying to keep myself away from blogging, should be concentrating on the remaining 30 lecture notes instead, aiKz. But, never mind la, I would still want today to be remembered as a good day. =)

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