Friday, July 25, 2008


5th year elective application for Columbia Uni in the New York has its deadline coming close very soon. With a form in hand, I'm actually holding back in hesistancy.

Unlike earlier when the form was made available, I was more keen and even got myself a form. Well... that's probably because I haven't been to Borders yet by then... going to a totally stranger place with zero knowledge about it and not knowing anyone from there can be daunting... also, the loneliness that comes in a package. There are people I know who went to the States on their own and live there for months... for people like them, I salute your courage!!

After much thoughts, I still couldn't make up my mind and the more I analyse it, the more it seems there're equal good and bad. see....

The pros:

- it's somewhere I have never been.
- advanced stuffs over there, gonna be a totally different medical experience
- get to tour in the States too. smth i've always wanted to do!

The cons:

- money! have to pay 150 USD application process fees which doesn't guarantee a place. n most people don't get a place in the end...
- scary. living alone? go somewhere so new totally alone? can i cope?
- have to apply so early! elective is only next year Sept. there're probably other nicer places to go which I haven't find out yet.


At the end of the day, it's still the same question,

New York for 5th year electives attachment? Go? Not go?

I'm such an indecisive person.... i know.


Anonymous said...

You should apply. The edu system in States is totally different from the UK system. Give it a shot!

~ xYz ~ said...

yeah.. just apply and let columbia decide whether or not to take you in. at the end of the day, if you have more than 1 offers in the end you'll be the one choosing. and NY is THE place to go!! =)

good luck!

WhiteFox said...

ln: Yah, i know! esp their teaching system and working environment!! hopefully i'm not having too much false impression on the US system simply bcoz of greys and house series. ;p

XY: but it's gonna cost 150 usd la.. money is always a factor. somemore i heard the living standard there is so high! u been there b4 right, hw is it like over there? im worried if i apply now and if i got it, i might not have enough money 2 spend there for livings...

~ xYz ~ said...

sy: i think nyc is a place everyone should visit if one gets the chance! i think u shouldnt worry about living expenses.. unless u shop and spem like $1000 everyday. plus you're getting pounds fron jpa, and they use USD there. ;)

i have a few friemds going to study at columbia next year too.. so dont worry about having no one there either. =)

good luck!! i hope you get it.

WhiteFox said...

XY: u're so encouraging! :) :)

now u make me feel more daring to go for it. thanks for your wishes. will do, will give it a serious thought, and if i really apply for it, your words certainly have a sigfinicant effect ;) hope u're well there too.