Thursday, October 05, 2006



10 minutes ago, I placed an order on Samsung E900, Finally! Hopefully it gets dispatched in less than 3 hours so I can get it in 2 days time. Can't believe I'm going to hold it in hand soon! Hehe. Wonder how does a touch-sensitive keypad feels like. :p

It feels good and right after such a long wait. It's like recovering a piece of long lost precious of which I thought I'll never see again. Although it isn't exactly what I want, but am already satisfied. Life isn't always a smooth sailing I guess, yet definitely worth waiting . I shall feel contented and not to demand anymore.

Hopefully it is a good start again for our friendship. Thanks for your forgiveness and acceptance once again. You just don't know how much the few words you said this morning have brightened up my day. It does seems like lots of things are fated. Maybe I shall have faith in fate once again.


Anonymous said... i really see some changes in you..
at least u r not so demanding like laz time anymore..
ehmm..tats good..keep it on!


Anonymous said...

ohya...forgotten one important thing...
REMEMBER to bring my sony back to malaysia n bear oso!