Saturday, July 01, 2006


For the past 2 days, I have been searching everywhere for the summon.

Good news is : Yeah! I found it.

Bad news is : I found it in my dad's briefcase.

The offence part reads 'tidak patuh lampu isyarat'


Today, I watched two matches.

Good news is : Yes, yes, yes! Portugal won the match, entered semi finals and sent England home. I don't really hate England team, but I think Portugal deserves the victory. Lady luck just isn't on England's side.

Bad news is : No, no, no! Brasil lost, beaten by France. HOW CAN??? The world cries. I don't want to drink red wine anymore.


Good news is: I bet on lottery with the number on the summon. If I win, the prize will be enough to cover the fine.

Bad news is: I didn't win.


LiempehH™ said...

kalau2 ade rezeki jangan lupa gua alrite?? :P

Anonymous said...

Hehe. so you're drinking now? Oh dear British life has obviously had a bit of an effect of you. You don't have to be an alcoholic to fit in in Scotland... though it probably helps ;)