Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sick, Again

So, I'm sick again, after 1 week of good health recovering from the post-ski flu. This time, it's even worse, high fever, extremely sore throat that voice is currently non-existent, sore muscle everywhere and lightheaded. been staying in bed for the whole day today. the only few things i could remember doing was waking up occasionally running to the loo, take panadol and drink water. Fever is terrible.

The day has been terribly unproductive as expected. gutted. especially when there are opthamology, dermatology, and ENT to read at the same time ssc report to produce. This rotation has been claimed the easiest of 4th year by far, but i'm not finding it stress free at all, especially it's right after holiday and my brain is at a near blank state. I want to work, so want to study and do all the stuff i need to, but please my dear body, don't let me down k?

Now things are slightly better, after sleeping for more than 18 hours today. Bf is so heart warming. I remembered mumbling in bed this afternoon saying I felt like drinking barley water to cool the temperature down. and to my very much surprise, I woke up to a big bowl of barley right in front of me. awww... thanks baby! and the part that make me laugh a little despite the high fever was that, apparently he didn't know barley water is not quite the same to red bean soup of which you can actually eat lots of red beans with the soup. The barley water was filled with beans and there wasn't much water to it. ha, that's very typical of the bf. =)

i'm going back to bed again, panadol is working well for now. i can at least stay awake for a little before the high temperature kick in again. this weekend is pretty much wasted again. grrr! very unwanted. seems like for the next 2 weeks, it's gonna be hard core revision to compensate for the loss. till then guys. have a lovely time revising. =)

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