Finally PC fair is here after a longgg wait. Went to the much much smaller version of fair in Malacca. With only 24 vendors, it was non-comparable to the KL one featuring no less than 150 vendors in PWTC.
Given my limited computer knowledge, fortunately, this childhood fren of mine, KC came along. ThX aloT!~ He's also the one to come up with the idea of buying seperate hardwares which means we got to assemble a pc ourselves later. Haha, the idea was so fun and we ended up with lots of boxes. Just like Lego sets. =)
I almost got suffocated after we managed to squeeze through the flooding crowds! How come fresh air always inadequate at a lower level for not tall enough people. =(
Alright, grumbles aside. I was completely charmed by this Samsung 19" flat white screen. But was told both 17" and 19" screens have the same resolution power and performance wise, a 19" isn't as good as 17" since images screened will only be magnified but won't be appearing clearer. And higher resolution power only available for 20". But a 20" cost RM1300! Too expensive to afford for a monitor so I gave it up.
in the end, got myself a 17"
sOoO fun to come home with many bIg biG boxes!~ My parents who were initially expecting a pc, were obviously shocked with the sights of us two carrying so many boxes like Santa Claus . Me who apparently have no idea on how to work on those parts, can only sit aside watching KC doing the job at his full attention like a little kid being awarded a power ranger set. =)
flash wasn't well adjust, KC looked as if he's working in the dark ^_^
BUt, I wasn't free too! Was busy getting him stuffs like water, plyer, screwdrivers, torchlight, spanner..etc. Hehe, and also, taking photos.
In progress 40 minutes later.....
Tada!!! Done.Find this casing kinda similiar to one handphone design. Is it nokia?
Used to 'hug' my old fat pc like a baby and walk 4 floors up to a shop for service everytime it broke down. The nightmare is now gone with this 'handle' built in for carrying purpose. Hehe. =)