Saturday, November 24, 2007

This time, I got myself thinking...

This time, not your words that got me thinking, it's me myself.

As far as I learn, it will be nice for couple to share their thoughts, opinions, feelings and perceptions. To grow old together and go through ups and downs hand in hand, not like most of the time we are hoping for each other to decide things for us, but at least you can feel someone is always there for you and to back you up. Happy things, sad things, you will always be the first person in mind.

It seems impossible to love just only one person throughout life. But, there can only be one person to live life with, so I have been told. What is love? I've been wondering alot lately. Is that the geographical distance between causing love difficult to be expressed? Or it's the thinking differences that make people difficult to share thoughts and feel the same in a relationship? I don't know.

Parents blessings is always comforting, well at least for me. Sometimes, I wonder the fear of bringing a rs to the knowledge of parents might suggest an underlying pathology. Could be the fear that they might object. could be the worries that they might have negative comments on you. could be the uncertainties of how am i going to actually tell or why should i tell. could be...lots lots more. Does all that mean the confidences to us is not there? Or does that mean our communication has problem and we can't talk things out together and back each other up? I really don't know. Hopefully when winter comes, answers will gradually surface, together with christmas wishes. Fingercross. =)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

ur words been sticking in my mind...

You got me thinking again...

Was it a wrong decision?

Is it going to be a dead end again?

hmm...wish not.
Yet, I can't think of anything that can be done at the moment.

Monday, November 05, 2007

That suits the indecisive me....haha

The medical specialty for you is.... Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is better than any of the specialties. When a patient comes in for a check-up, you can send them home with a clean bill of health. And when a patient comes in with high blood pressure, you can prescribe one of a wide variety of drugs, including beta-blockers, diuretics, and ACE inhibitors. And when a patient comes in with some other problem, you will be able to refer them to one of a long list of your colleagues.

To find out what specialty best fits your unique personality, go to:

What Medical Specialty Is For You?