Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Meaning of Exam and Essays

is when sitting in front of computer after meal doesn't mean you can switch on tvb series without any guilt...

is when the book is laying in front of you, doesn't mean you are reading it and the next thing you realise you're immersed in is either msn or facebook.

is when every minute pass so quickly when you're away from book but times seems like ages dragging on when you start reading even the first paragraph of the textbooks.

is when you don't feel like reading books, doesn't mean your conscience let you do anything else. In the end, you're likely to end up sitting at one place daydreaming or blankly staring at the computer screen.

is when nothing else can cheer you up anymore. For whatever thing you do except study, it feels like something in the background is haunting you and ringing in the head saying, shouldn't you be studying?

is when you so want to get things over like the essay writing, but to get it started is harder than anything else.

is when midnight strikes again, and you're all tired and exhausted, you feel terribly bad going to bed without doing anything productive for the day and yet you're one day closer to exams and essay deadline.


Adelynn said...

u sound very down. what happened?!

WhiteFox said...

Adelynn: Hey adelynn! how's home?

hmm, that was just another exam revision time coupled with essays deadline. nothing too serious. don;t worry. =)