Monday, December 25, 2006

I need to get better

I know I shouldn't be thinking anymore. Everything is over. But I can't help. It's like seeing myself helplessly sinking into the bottomless pit yet finding no rope within sights to grab. Now I understand why people say certain scenes can remind of certain people. So true.

When I was in the UK, I always thought I can heal better and forget faster if I could come home. For lots of frenz supports are here. In fact, not really.

This place is saturated with memories. Of you and me.

I do try hard to refrain myself from thinking, but each time those memories will just creep in and make me feel like collapsing.

Maybe I should not come back this often. At least not till I can sort of put things behind or heal myself better. I gotta admit that each time, I come back with hopes. Sometimes deep down I don't udnerstand why am I still keeping these hopes alive since eveyrthing is practically over. Waiting and expecting will just end up with frustration and disappointment.

You're like a drug. I am heavily addicted.


~ xYz ~ said...

i can understand how you must be feeling right now..

i dont want to admit it, but as time passes by and as you meet more new people, you'll recover gradually.

stay strong! =)

WhiteFox said...

XinYi: Yeah, I know what you meant.

The recovering actually take lot more time than expected. Sometimes the wound become injured again before it's fully recovered, haiz.

yeah, can only stay strong... you too k!